Resist (London) Page 2
“Sorry darlin’, I really don’t mean to annoy you, but yeah, that’s um...exactly what I was told. Boss described what you looked like, what the people you would be with looked like. He told me to find all of you and give you these.”
I handed over the passes and had to fight the urge to shake her because she was studying them like they’d tell her the answers to all her questions. I was so damn cold and she was giving me the run around.
Instead of doing anything though, I looked over at the friend and yeah, she was so damn beautiful it actually hurt to look at her.
She was wearing shoes that made her legs look a mile long, but she was nearly as tall as me with them on so I figured she must have been about five foot seven anyway. I liked that.
But it was her face that drew me in. Just everything about it. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She had full, what I would call ‘blow job lips’ that had images rushing through my brain that were really fucking sexy. Hey! I’m a guy and she was so fucking hot.
Although I couldn’t shake the feeling that it wouldn’t be the first time she’d heard that. I knew for sure that I’d never seen eyes like hers. Didn’t even know eyes like that existed. They were different colours. But still, so damn beautiful. I didn’t realise how long I’d been staring for until she tilted her head to the side and smirked at me as if she could hear the direction my thoughts were heading.
I loved a girl with confidence, and she exuded it.
My whole body ached with need almost immediately and I could feel how tense my muscles were from trying to reign myself in. Never, had any girl affected me like that.
Someone touched my arm so looked back at the girl – the one whom I was still silently begging was the one Jax had his eye on - and leant down slightly so she could speak into my ear.
“Right here’s the deal, I don’t like this...I don’t like this at all. I don’t know why someone would ‘send you to find me’ but I’ll admit, I’m intrigued and, more importantly, it’s fucking freezing out here and I don’t wanna spend half my night standing in this queue when I could be drinking and dancing. So lead the way, we’ll follow and personally, can give us a tour of the new place yeah?”
I honestly had no time for that shit, and more importantly who the fuck did she think she was? I don’t take demands from anyone. But right then, I’d have done anything to get out of the cold so I agreed.
“Um, yeah sure, I mean I’m working but I’m sure my brother won’t mind if I take fifteen minutes out to show you all around”
I turned and started walking back towards the entrance, trying to ignore the incessant bitching from people still waiting to get in, not that I could blame them obviously. I’d be pissed off too, but hey, that’s life!
“Wait, what? Your brother? I thought you said your boss sent you out here?”
Seriously, the girl just wouldn’t give me a break.
“One ‘n’ the same darlin’ brother owns this place, so yeah, technically he’s my boss.”
She had stopped walking so I stopped with her, but damn, I just wanted to leave. It was only the fact that I didn’t really want to be away from her friend that made me stop with them.
“Ok so you’re telling me, your brother, who owns this place, sent you out here to get us?”
I clenched my teeth and blew out a frustrated breath before answering her. Why did she have to keep asking questions? I tried to be as polite as I could, which was really difficult at the time!
“Yeah lady, that’s what I’m telling you, that’s what happened, that’s what I did. So now can we please keep walking and get inside, because you might have had a few to drink and therefore not feel it so much, but jeez its god damn cold out here and if it’s all the same to you, I’d much rather be inside where I won’t end up losing any digits to bloody frostbite”
I was about to carry on walking anyway when her friend jumped in, and fuck me if her voice didn’t make the whole package just that little bit sweeter. She sounded confident but innocent and there was definitely a little fire in there. That girl knew exactly what she wanted. But so did I, and I wanted her.
“Yeah Ice, you know I’m always on your side babe, but seriously a girl who can’t stop her teeth chattering and has bloody goose-bumps all over her skin isn’t exactly attractive and I’m on it tonight. Let’s just go inside and if you wanna interrogate the poor guy some more, do it in there, yeah?”
Well thank fuck someone actually wanted to get out of the cold. She linked her arm through mine and marched forward, basically dragging me along with her. I let her though, it seemed straight away that she was a girl who was used to going after what she wanted and I wasn’t gonna argue with her.
I wanted him.
I think he knew it too from the knowing smirk on his face when I ran my eyes down his body. But it was the heat in his eyes that made my insides quiver. Oh yeah, he wanted me too.
I wasn’t going to make it easy for him though. Where’s the fun in finding the guy you’re going to take home before you’ve even stepped inside the club? I still had game!
As soon as we stepped through the doors, I ditched the lot of them, Taylor was too busy talking about interior design.
Why would anyone want to talk about interior design on a night out?
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. That girl just didn’t have a clue.
So, it might seem pretty harsh to ditch my friends on a night out. And probably a little stupid to go wondering off by myself too, but I didn’t want them judging me. Ever.
Not that they really would. Well they definitely wouldn’t say anything to me, but sometimes I could literally feel the disapproval radiating from them. I just didn’t need that.
I headed straight for the bar, ordered two shots and a vodka and lemonade. Getting a little bit drunk never hurt anyone!
I wondered around aimlessly for a while, checking out the layout of the club. It used to be shit hole, a real dive. It wasn’t like that anymore, it was luxurious almost. I fought the urge to scoff out loud. Nightclubs shouldn’t be luxurious. What’s the point when people are only going to get drunk, do drugs, dance, get sick, and probably fuck in the bathrooms?
But it was still nice for now. It just wouldn’t last long, I was sure.
I don’t know how long I had been drinking and randomly talking to strangers when I felt a body press up behind me and a hand on my hip. I frowned and twisted my neck to look over my shoulder at whoever it was.
My frown soon turned into a small smile when the guy who had gave us the VIP passes earlier in the night leaned down close to my ear and whispered, “I’ve been looking for you.”
I didn’t need to ask why. It was written all over his face exactly why he was looking for me. I called up my inner seductress and replied, “Well you found me. What can I do for you sir?”
Urgh, I didn’t like the ‘sir’ thing, and I have no idea why I said it. But it had been said and his reaction was all I needed.
His eyes flared and then narrowed. He spun me around to face him, ran his hands around my hips and pulled me flush against him. I wasn’t exactly against a guy taking the lead, just as long as I ended the night in control, then all was fine by me.
He started moving against me and even I had to admit that he was a hell of a good dancer. I wound my arms around his neck and followed his lead, actually really enjoying the feel of his body against mine.
Is it that shocking that I enjoyed it?
To me? Frankly, yes.
Dancing is fun enough, but it’s usually just glorified foreplay as far as I’m concerned. This was different though, I wanted to move with him, I wanted to feel his hands holding my hips and I wanted to feel his breath across my neck.
It was all a foreign feeling to me, I didn’t even normally enjoy anyone being that close to me unless they were fucking me into oblivion.
Harsh…but true.
��d never been an affectionate person, I just wanted to get off, end of story. I never much cared what people thought of it either.
I am who I am and that’s it.
I tried to suppress the weird thoughts I was having about how good it felt to be that connected with someone, really I did. It didn’t happen though. I panicked.
“You want to get out of here?” I whispered, trying to sound more like I wanted to leave, rather than the fact that I needed to get out of there.
“Can’t leave yet darlin’, I’m working.”
Damn it. I couldn’t let myself get any closer to him. So I didn’t. I stepped back, smiled and walked away. Leaving him frowning after me on the dance floor. Not five seconds later I felt his hand grab mine and he spun me around to face him.
“Where are you going?” He asked.
I tried to hold back the grin that was threatening to break free, and for once I succeeded. The poor guy had no idea that he’d just stepped right in to my trap.
“Oh, well, you’re working. I’m drinking, dancing and enjoying myself. I want you, I know you want me...” I ran the tip of my index finger along the bulge in his trousers for emphasis and then added, “So you come find me when you’re finished. If I’m still here, then it’s gonna be your lucky night. If I’m not, well...”
I trailed off, leaving him to finish the thought by himself.
I know what you’re thinking, would I really leave with another guy? Because that actually is kind of slutty.
But then, maybe I would, who really knew?
But only because I wouldn’t need to. He would find a way to get back to me soon and I knew it. Guys don’t pass up the opportunity for a decent fuck. Ever. Even guys with girlfriends, guys with wives, families. It really doesn’t matter.
Don’t get me wrong, I do try and avoid married guys, guys with families. I just don’t need to be involved in that messy shit.
But sometimes, these things just happen.
“What’s your name?”
His question snapped me back to attention and I told him my name. Well, my first name. I don’t do last names. Too personal. I didn’t ask for his name, but he answered anyway.
“Mason Brent.”
He actually spoke like he was proud of his name. Who says their name like that? Like they’re someone important.
“Well Mason Brent, I’ll just see you later yeah?”
And with that, I walked off again, heading straight for the bar. He didn’t follow, but then, I didn’t expect him to. It was all part of the plan.
I couldn’t decide if I wanted to fuck her or leave her. I love a woman with confidence, really I do. But was she confident, or cocky? I just didn’t know.
I don’t like to be ordered around, and the way she strolled off, swinging her hips as she walked...
Damn, but those hips are worth swinging, soft, curvy, yeah, just gorgeous.
Shit. She was just such a distraction.
Where was I?
Oh, yeah, so I was confused. I couldn’t understand my own reaction to her, or why she seemed like such a bitch, yet I still wanted her anyway.
I don’t deal with stress, or anything that makes life difficult. I like easy, simple, organised.
And if it isn’t already. I make it that way.
So I had answered my own question. She wasn’t easy, simple or organised. She was an enigma. A puzzle. Something I was bound and determined to figure out.
If life isn’t easy, make it that way.
I did.
I called my brother. I knew he was in the building somewhere but I just couldn’t be bothered to waste time looking for him. He answered and I told him I needed to go home. He didn’t even question me, just told me he’d see me later.
That’s the good thing about working for your brother, I pretty much get to do what I want, and get paid a shit load of money for it.
I don’t take advantage though, even though I could. That’s how I knew he’d be okay with me leaving early. Opening night or not, I wanted that girl and I was going to have her.
Chapter Two
I fucked him!
Well, I say I’d done it, but in reality, he’d actually done it...he fucked me! It was magic, pure, unadulterated heat.
Pride isn’t an emotion I’m used to feeling really, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t proud of myself. Seriously! I was sure I had him eating out of the palm of my hand. He didn’t leave me waiting, he found me again within about ten minutes, and had me at his house within, what felt like, seconds!
My body was sore in places I didn’t even know existed.
I savoured the feeling, knowing I couldn’t keep it. My rules. My way. He was good yeah, more than good. But not break-the-habit-of-a-lifetime good.
Even though the sex was fantastic...let’s just say my morning overall, was a little odd.
I’d opened my eyes that morning and winced at the sunshine streaming through the window. I knew where I was, I never forgot. I smiled to myself recalling the previous night’s events. Damn. I’d never had my target before I’d even walked through the entrance of the club before.
Now don’t get me wrong, if I’m on the lookout, if I’m on it, then yeah I get what I want and I always went home with whomever I chose. Never though, not ever, had I found my night’s man before I’d even started!
Good work Harper.
I lay in his bed and stretched lazily. I was in no rush, and I didn’t really feel like doing the walk of shame. I could go home whenever I felt like it. I let my eyes roam around the room thinking it was extremely…clean?
Young guys were not usually clean, they were scruffy and unkempt. Clothes left all over the floor, ‘lad’s mags’ piled in the corner, dirty dishes and cups on the bedside table. Crumpled, dirty sheets, you name it, it was usually there. But not that room.
No, it was organised, and minimalistic.
I found it odd. One, because even though the previous night, Mason had been wearing, clean, ironed, fitted clothes, his hair was scruffy and had that ‘just-fucked’ look about it. He had a dusting of light stubble along his jaw. He sort of just gave off an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ vibe.
And two, because, ok we didn’t spend all that long talking, but he seemed…relaxed, and maybe aloof.
Anything but organised, uptight, and clean.
I pondered this for a few minutes, but I was easily sidetracked by thoughts of the previous night’s, and that morning’s...excursions. A smile formed on my lips and I decided to go find Mason and get in one last play before I left. So I jumped out of bed, threw on his t-shirt, which barely covered my ass and opened the bedroom door.
I heard voices almost instantly and followed the sound to the kitchen. It was a beautiful kitchen, just like his bedroom. Sleek, shiny...clean. The worktops were black granite and the appliances were brushed chrome. It was like a show-kitchen, beautiful, but not exactly homely. It was practically screaming, ‘men live here!’
I’ll be honest, I don’t even know how I managed to take in that much detail about my surroundings when my eyes were glued to the sight in front of me. Lean, but toned, mocha skin, muscled shoulders. He had those sexy little dimples at the bottom of his back. I’d never noticed them the night before and right then, I wanted to stick my tongue in them.
I took it all in as if I hadn’t had an up close and personal view just the evening before. Can’t say I’d ever slept with ugly guys, but this guy, Mason, he was just...edible!
And that was just his back!
I edged forward, slipped my hands around his waist, pressed myself against him and ran my tongue along his neck. He shivered and I held back a grin at my effect on him. My insides were screaming for attention and he needed to know that!
I ran my fingers lightly against his chiselled stomach and felt his abs clench in reaction.
I was silently cheering and doing cartwheels knowing I was
gonna get what I wanted when I heard a familiar voice speak.
“Errr, mornin’ Harper Marie.”
Holy shit!
I couldn’t believe my best friend was standing there in front of me when she had just vanished on me the night before. Okay, okay, so I may have gone off first, but she didn’t even stick with Jase! Jase told me to go and he’d find her. I trusted him, so I left...with Mason.
“Holy. Fucking. Shit. What the hell are you doing here? And where the fuck did you go last night?” I screeched at her.
Mason flinched in my arms and I gave him a sheepish grin, then edged away slightly before taking in the scene. Taylor stood in front of me, wearing nothing but a black t-shirt and she had her hands clasped tightly on the hem, tugging it down slightly. I took in her attire, looked back and forth between her and…wow…I knew that guy! I’d seen him around campus a few times and he…was…hot!
Well done Taylor!
“Well, apparently you don’t need to answer that now do you Ice? Wow, I gotta say, that is one fine-ass piece of man and what a way to end your drought hey chick!”
A dark look crossed her eyes and I knew I’d said something wrong so I braced for her response. I was used to her rants, they happened often, but I knew I was not going to like whatever she said in that moment.
“Harper, last night I was left by myself seeing as you disappeared, Jase pulled and left me on my own, I was drugged, passed out on a poor doorman, and had to be taken home – and not MY home mind you – by Mr Gorgeous over here”
She waved a hand in his direction and continued... “So no, I’m not ‘over my drought’ as you put it, I just happened to sleep here, and in all honesty I actually don’t know what happened to my clothes.”
I knew she was still talking, not to me, to the other guy, but I couldn’t hear a thing. I felt the colour drain from my face and my body seized. My best friend, my world, my freaking life-line...drugged. What the fuck? I couldn’t stop thinking about what could have happened if ‘Mr Gorgeous’ as she called him hadn’t have helped her.